Hearts in Bloom: from Winter to Spring.

Hearts are one of the easiest shapes to appliqué by machine or hand. The bottom point is a right angle and the curves are easy. The red and white Winter version is hand appliquéd with a buttonhole stitch much as our grandmothers used. It is hand quilted, outlining the hearts in contrasting thread. The crispness of the red and white brings much needed cheer to the winter season.


The pink and blue Spring version uses the same background fabric but four pastel prints to make Spring flowers. The ‘hearts’ are machine appliquéd with a variegated thread and buttonhole stitch. The yellow button centers attach thru the batting to the back for the effect of a tied quilt----so very quickly completed.


Directions are included to make this quilt reversible with a built in hanging sleeve.

Great cubical art! 2 seasons in one quilt! How easy would it be to make a summer and fall version as a wall hanging or table topper?


What do you do with those scraps that you cut off the back?  Watch our Tips page for ideas.


If you are looking to make a full size quilt out of this pattern, click here for the PDF that will show you how.

Art for the workspace cubical.

One quilt for two seasons.

HIB104 $9.00